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Get a specific notification by ID



Get a specific notification by ID


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    The ID of the notification to retrieve


A notification object

    data object
    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the Notification object in string format.

    type stringrequired

    Default value: notification

    Type of object.

    attributes object

    Notification attributes.

    id integerrequired

    Unique identifier for the Notification object.

    organization_id integerrequired

    Unique identifier for the Organization object.

    name stringrequired

    Unique name for the type of notification.

    data objectnullablerequired

    Notification data used to capture the extra notification details different for each notification type or name.

    created_at date-timerequired

    Date and time when the notification was created.

    ignored_at date-timenullablerequired

    Date and time when the notification was ignored. It is null if the notification is not ignored.

    resolved_at date-timenullablerequired

    Date and time when the notification was resolved. It is null if the notification is not resolved.

    organization_name stringrequired

    Name of the organization

    type stringrequired

    Name of the notification in title case.

    state stringrequired

    State of the notification. It can be 'Pending', 'Ignored', or 'Resolved'. A notification is in 'Pending' state when it is created. It is in 'Ignored' state when resolved_at is null. It is in 'Resolved' state when resolved_at is not null.

    formatted_created_at stringrequired

    Formatted created_at date and time in the organization's timezone.

    issue_details stringrequired

    Issue details in HTML format.

    resolve_actions stringrequired

    Issue details in HTML format.

    links object
    self stringrequired

    URL to the object or collection of objects.

    current stringnullablerequired

    URL to the current page of objects. This property is only returned when fetching a collection of objects.

    next stringnullablerequired

    URL to the next page of notifications. This property is only returned when fetching a collection of objects a next page is available.

    last stringnullablerequired

    URL to the last page of notifications. This property is only returned when fetching a collection of objects a next page is available.
