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List locations



The Location object represents a sales tax location. Locations are identified by a unique ID. Authentication


Path Parameters

    entity_id stringrequired



A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of objects. Each entry in the array is a separate location object. If no more locations are available, the resulting array will be empty.

    object stringrequired

    Default value: list

    total_records integerrequired
    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the Location object.

    entity_id stringrequired

    Unique identifier for the Entity object.

    name stringrequired

    Name of Location.

    address1 stringrequired

    Address line 1.

    address2 stringnullablerequired

    Address line 2.

    city stringrequired


    state stringrequired


    postal_code stringrequired

    Postal code.

    phone_number stringrequired

    Phone number.

    email stringrequired

    Email address.

    headquarters booleanrequired

    Indicates if this is the headquarters location.

    end_of_day stringrequired

    Time of day that the business closes.

    timezone stringrequired


    updated_at date-timerequired
    closeout_offset integerrequired

    Defaults to 0, minutes after midnight in the timezone of this address the location considers its end of day ie. closes at 2am, so through 2am is included in prior day

  • ]