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Square: Post Revenue by Product Category or Item Name

Categories and Subcategories in Journal Entries

When completing a journal entry mapping, categories and subcategories play an essential role. Categories must be mapped, or the journal entry will fail to post to accounting. In the example below, Gross Sales is shown as the category with subcategories beneath it:

Example of categories and subcategories in a journal entry mapping

The subcategories can be found for a specific journal entry line by clicking the caret on the right. If the caret is not present, it means the line does not have any subcategories.

Subcategories in a journal entry

Optional Subcategory Mapping

Subcategories are optional to map. In the Square Summary, Bookkeep offers the product category or product name from Square as subcategories for Gross Sales and Returns. This allows you to break down sales and returns by product categories or item names.

Creating Accounts with the Magic Wand

If you don't have accounts set up in your accounting platform, click on the "Magic Wand" button to the right of each line. This will create an account in your accounting platform and map that line to the newly created account:

Example of the magic wand button used to create accounts in an accounting platform

Once this account is created and mapped, gross sales will be posted to the account in your accounting platform. Returns or refunds can be similarly mapped and posted to the same product category or item name accounts to provide insight into performance.

Changing the Default Posting Method

The default posting method for Square is by product category. If you prefer to change this rollup to per item name, go to the "Connections" page and "App" tab. Locate the Square connection and expand the setup to find "Configure." Clicking "Configure" will open a modal to change the "Sales Rollup Method."

Square settings

The view below shows the Sales Rollup Method option where you can select either product category (default) or item name, affecting the subcategories for gross sales and refunds:

Options for changing the Sales Rollup Method between product category and item name

Example Postings

Here is an example posting with subcategories using item names:

Journal entry posting example using item names for subcategories

Here is an example posting with subcategories using product categories. In this case, the products are not assigned categories, so the sales are labeled as uncategorized:

Journal entry posting example using product categories, with uncategorized sales

As always, feel free to contact if you have any questions.