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Korona POS Sales Summary Journal Entry

Bookkeep enables you to integrate your Korona POS to automate journal entry postings.

Daily Sales Summary Journal Entry

For Korona, we offer a daily sales summary journal entry that relies on the end-of-day statements within Korona. This journal entry posts the sales from the prior day to your accounting platform, capturing gross sales down to net sales, including discounts, refunds, and a breakdown of payments by tender type.

Example Comparison: Bookkeep vs. Korona POS

Below, we review an example of what Bookkeep recorded versus Korona POS.

Step 1: Retrieve End-of-Day Statements from Korona

Bookkeep aligns with the end-of-day statements that can be retrieved from Korona for a specific day. Locate the data in Korona from the left navigation under the sales section and click the End of Day Statements link:

End-of-day statements

Select the Point of Sale and the day for review:

Select point of sales

This will provide the statements to compare against Bookkeep:

Korona end-of-date statement

Step 2: Review Bookkeep's Entry

Below shows what Bookkeep posted for 7/19/23:

Bookkeep journal entry

Step 3: Compare End-of-Day Statement to Bookkeep Entry

When viewing the End of Day Statement for 7/19/23, you can see the gross sales and other relevant net sales items to tie out the Bookkeep entry. The commodity group revenue ties to Bookkeep gross sales:

Korona commodity group revenue

Bookkeep gross sales

Additionally, the sales tax aligns with Bookkeep:

Korona sales tax

Finally, the payment methods align with what Bookkeep posted:

Korona payments

If you have any questions regarding our Korona POS journal entry, feel free to contact